Friday, June 23, 2006

the things I usually forget... [PART 1: BDAYS]

I am a forgetful person... I admit that... I am so forgetful that unless we have the same birthdate, or I lived with you during my formative years, I would probably NEVER remember your birthday... so [friends =)] please don't take it against me...

The reasons why I am able to greet SOME of my friends on their birthdays are:
  • some of my friends' birthdays are stored in the calendar on my phone, and I usually set the phone to alarm at 12:01 AM of that particular date so that I'll be one of the earliest greeters... unfortunately, when I'm already asleep by that time, I sometimes do not hear the alarm and I just read the reminders on the morning... sometimes, even when I DO hear the alarm, I, unfortunately, do not always have a load to be able to text the person a happy birthday... so I usually put off greeting them some other day when I've already loaded my account, which, unfortunately, I always forget to do...
  • someone reminds me that it is so-and-so's bday today, so I'm able to greet them on time... if not, i'll just add a "belated" to the greeting =)
  • I accidentally see on one of the network accounts that I have that it is a friend's bday TODAY...
  • if I happen to check my email on a particular day, and reminds me that it is someone's bday a few days from that day... sometimes I do send an E-CARD immediatey... but usually I tend to procrastinate... and then... end up forgetting about it entirely...
  • the bday celebrant invites me to a his/her party =)...

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