Saturday, August 08, 2009

Emo moments

There are times when depression takes hold of me. I try to shake it off, but at times it simply IS hard to do. It has its claws sunk in so deep in you that when you try to pull them out, they just tend to sink in deeper… all the while seeming like it'll never let go… or at least any time soon.

You try not to think about it, but it keeps slinking it's way to the forefront.

You keep trying to push it away, but just like a bully, it just seems stronger... It pushes back and pummels you to the ground.

You try to recall another memory, one that makes you smile, or laugh, or even angry, but just like some kind of filter, it only lets the tears pass through.

You don't want it to linger, but just like an unwanted guest, it stays longer than you care for.

You want to shout... rant and rave… but you don't really know what to say. You don't really know HOW TO say it. Nor to whom.


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